Public speaking course
Learn to speak with confidence

To stand up before an audience can be a scary experience. It is said that the two things people fear most is death and public speaking. This course will help you overcome your anxiety and help build within you a confident mindset.

Public speaking course
Overcome your struggles

We will cover themes to help you improve in public speaking. The classes will teach you powerful ways of conveying ideas. Words don't just come from the mouth, they come from the heart and mind. We will go over techniques from some of the best orators in history to uncover your potential and inner strength.

Why take this course?

What makes this course special?

Hello, my name is Joseph Sullivan. I am the teacher of this training course. I want to thank you for your interest in this public speaking class. I encourage you to look through the course material on this website. Much of my content is accessible to look over and review.

Watch the free training course videos and read the free training courses articles. Get a feel for the quality content of this public speaking training program. After you watch the free videos, you'll see why this course is different from all others. The content in this course is unique. Much of the class materials can only be found on this public speaking platform.

Unlike other platforms, I'll give you downloadable access to the training videos. You can watch them anytime and have the written content and video files for life.

I will also include a PDF public speaking training book I wrote, "The Art of Speechcraft." This book will have all the content within the course. The book can only be accessed through my program and is invaluable in its public speaking content.
I have put my years as a public speaker, my knowledge, and my experience, into this course... This is my life's work. I am excited to be sharing my materials with you.


It's as stark a contrast as the colors of black and white are...when you hear a poor speaker and a talented speaker...stand up and give a presentation.

Public speaking

Get noticed in your field of work

Do you want to improve in your social delivery style, in public speaking? Do you want to have more confidence where you work…in the board room, in your church, in your home, in the courthouse, in your sales business?

Do you want to excel in grabbing the audience’s attention…when delivering a PowerPoint presentation? Do you want to overcome social anxiety, fear, and panic when speaking before a crowd?

The top two fears are the fear of death and of public speaking. I can help with the latter. I can help you become bold, confident, and self-assured, in your presentations

Do you want to improve in your sales, or even in your social interactions with your friends and family?

In matters of public speaking….If you do, the skills that are shared in this course will help you. I have trained people around the globe online with my preacher training program.

The vocal techniques I have shared with them…I’ll share with you. I’ll even include my PDF public speaking book, “The Art of Speechcraft” for free, at the end of this course.

Public speaking
Public speaking teacher: Joseph Sullivan bio

Hi, I'm Joseph Sullivan

I'm glad you visited this page. I enjoy teaching people how to do public speaking. I'd enjoy speaking with you during this course. I know you'll find the content useful. :) The material I am sharing, took me years to learn. This course is the product of many seasons of training and personal work.

I have broken this material down into easy steps that you can do at your own pace. The exercises are not difficult to learn. I personally enjoy doing them.

If you're interested in public speaking, I hope you'll look at the course. I'd love to share it with you.

Public speaking is very near to my heart.

As a preacher, public speaking is part of my vocation. Yet I have taken public speaking further than most ministers. I've done this actively training people in this skillset.

I enjoy studying this topic and I love teaching others the art of speechcraft.

I've been a preacher for a number of years. Besides this public speaking course, I also run a preacher training program online.

I have formatted this course for preachers, business men and women, for school teachers, for people in sales, for grandparents, who want to become better storytellers, for their grandchildren. This course is for anyone who wants to improve in public speaking.

I hope you will check out the course. The material has helped me grow in my personal and professional life. I know my course can do the same for you.

Warm wishes,

Joseph Sullivan

It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.“

— Leonardo Da Vinci

public speaking work